Saturday, May 18, 2024
There is a new gaming service on the market - Amazon's Luna. At Amazon's 2020 Hardware Event, they announced their newest service - Luna, a cloud gaming service. This news isn't a surprise at all, as the platform, previous called...
Recently, there have been a variety of organisations and developers coming together in the pursuits of campaigning against Apple's App Store policies. It has been announced this week that a group has been formed together with the aim of creating...
Wikipedia is completely redesigning their entire desktop website for the first time in 10 years. For the past twenty years, Wikipedia's online encyclopedia platform has been a vital part of the internet culture by allowing their millions of users to...
The Australian Bank Westpac has been given a $1.3 billion fine after being accused of breaching money laundering and child exploitation laws. In a settlement, Westpac has agreed to pay a $1.3 billion fine over allegations from Austrac, a financial...
In late September, the release of the latest iOS 14 update lead to Pinterest breaking their daily downloads record. With the latest iOS 14 update, Apple users have the ability to completely customise their iPhone home screens, and the excitement...
One of Big Tech’s most ambitious commitments to environmental sustainability has been made by Google Google has made the impressive announcement that they will be working and operating completely carbon-free by 2030. Further, they have made a big purchase of...
Fiverr Business will help businesses and teams to manage their freelance projects. Fiverr is an online marketplace that specialises in services for freelancers worldwide. Last week, Fiverr announced its newest feature: Fiverr Business, which has been designed to allow larger...
Google Cloud is using their latest Business Application Platform to cultivate a line of citizen and business developers in enterprises. Recently Google Cloud has begun setting themselves apart from their competitors by acknowledging and explaining how common business problems can...
By adding an extra fee for those who make the switch to an EV, Uber pledges to shift 100 per cent electric by 2030. In the United States, Canada, and Europe, Uber aims to be completely powered by electronic vehicles...
As we face the climate catastrophe, a new air quality sensor will make it easier to track the smoke and air pollution of wildfires. The West Coast of the United States is covered in smoke. Real-time updates are posted on...